Portland's Largest Cigar Lounge

  • Five big screen televisions
  • One dedicated Playstation 3 (PS3) television
  • Game table for card & board games

Our generous seating makes our cigar lounge a popular spot!

Our Cigar Lounge >

Friendly Staff

Photo Credit: ms.akr

Photo Credit: ms.akr

Our staff is passionate about cigars and about helping you find exactly what you need (and they have a great sense of humor too!)

Whether you are a seasoned cigar smoker or just picking something up for a friend, our staff can help you find the right cigar!

Pipes and Pipe Tobaccos

 In addition to our large humidor and Portland cigar lounge, we also carry a large selection of briar and meerschaum pipes in a variety of sizes, styles, and prices.

Many of our pipe tobaccos are blended in house from our own recipes. Although Oregon law prevents pipe smoking in our store, you are always welcome to try a sample of our jarred pipe tobaccos (you'll just need to step outside to smoke!)

Our Pipes >